I was minding my own business…
When God practically tapped me on the shoulder and said, “don’t get comfortable…I’ve got an assignment for you”. I had found my “forever job” as a college professor, living out my calling to teach, when I felt this relentless nudging that I had a larger purpose...
A casual read through the Bible will show that this is exactly how God operates. It’s full of regular people who were just going about their daily lives when… and angel appeared, a vivid dream occurred, a voice from Heaven spoke, or a blinding light showed up out of nowhere. And after these encounters, their lives were never the same. When the endless nudging would not relent…
I said, “yes” .
That’s the hardest part.
Surrendering control of the plan you had, the boxes you’ve checked, and the script you’ve followed in order to let God lead is tough. And yet it is absolutely necessary in order for you experience your true purpose.
I know what you’re feeling… playing it safe…doing what’s practical…what’s expected, what’s familiar. And I also know that when your life has a larger purpose, safe is never enough.
I’m Dr. Shanté. And if you choose to work with me, I can help you remove obstacles, disrupt debilitating patterns, silence self-doubt, and discover the gifts that will allow you to fulfill your God given assignment.
Let’s Start HERE